Artist: Leihanah, 10th Grade, Southwest Christian High School.
Medium: Mixed.
Scripture: And the name of the city from that time on will be: THE LORD IS THERE. Ezekiel 48:35 NIV.
Leihanah’s Faith Statement: The mass of colors, shapes, and “abstractness” that make up the majority of this piece are meant to represent the chaos and inconsistency of the world. As humans, and more importantly, Christians, we are constantly bombarded with different ideologies, views, or faiths that challenge our own. The piece is representative of that continual struggle.
The angel wings protecting the earth depict the Lord’s presence and how he shields us from the chaos in the world. We still experience it and struggle with it, but we can have a sense of otherworldly peace and comfort in knowing that no matter what, our Lord is there. I purposely chose contrasting and even clashing colors to further emphasize the “wrongness” of our current human nature, and kept the wings pure white to signify the Lord’s holiness and continual perfection as a benefactor and protector. No matter the circumstances around us or how far we have fallen, we can rest knowing that the Lord is always there, and always will be.
Mixed media has always been a passion of mine, and this piece was the perfect place to display that passion through the use of magazines, acrylic paint, and paint pens.
Copyright © Leihanah W., 2021
Used by Permission for Great Commission Artists Ministries.