God’s glory comforts us and wraps us in His love.
By Charlotte Laxen Helfritz, based on Psalm 108:5 (NLT), Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.
Medium: Watercolor on Canvas Panel
Reflection: God’s glory is beyond imagining. When I see moments of it in a sunrise or sunset, an approaching storm, a baby’s smile or a neighbor’s plate of cookies, it is only a tiny piece of this glory. It holds the universe together and shows the enormous plan that we are only discovering bit by bit. His glory brings comfort as it wraps itself around each of us in the truth that God knows and loves us, no matter where we are or what we are going through.
Prayer: Lord let me gaze upon your glory. Let me know that it is you because of the goodness it brings to my soul. Let me never take you for granted and please use me to bring your glory to others in word and in deed. Amen.
© Charlotte Laxen Helfritz, 2024