For thousands of years, the northern lights have fascinated people everywhere and inspired them to behold God the Creator.
By Debbie Gustafson
Scripture: Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands”
It was the last evening of the cruise, and we were having a delightful dinner when the activity director began an announcement that interrupted our conversations. He apologized, saying it was rare that he would make this type of interruption, but he wanted to tell all the passengers that up on the bridge staff, we could see the northern lights. Right away, I and many other others headed up, cameras in hand, hoping to capture the beauty.
In the afterglow of this trip, I thought a lot about the northern lights and their beauty, and how the skies looked so majestic in their celestial display. For thousands of years these beautiful events have fascinated and inspired people everywhere to behold God the Creator.
Prayer: Thank you God, for your envisioning, designing, and executing magnificent displays of your glory that our sense and minds can ponder, thus concluding there is a Creator Designer.
God, thank you also that your work comes out of the goodness of your heart, your love, your care, and your mercy. As we gaze upon the stars, we have a glimpse of what You are truly like. When we realize Who You are, we perceive that the world is all about you, not us.
God, please help us to pause, slow down, allow our lives to be interrupted, see your glory, and be grateful for who You are and what You have given us to understand you.
Media: Watercolor and Acrylic Paint
Copyright © Debra Gustafson, 2024