Artist: Debbie Gustafson.
Medium: Colored Pencil and Watercolor.
Scripture: Luke 22:19 (NIV) “And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them.”
Source of Inspiration: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
Reflection : Early in the book, One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp wonders how Jesus, the God man who came to save her from the presence fear, guilt, depression, and sadness faced His impending sacrifice on the cross. She writes, “With an expiration of less than twelve hours, what does Jesus count as most important?” Then she quotes Luke 22:19 and focuses on the word “Eucharisteo.” In the original language, she says, “he gave thanks” reads “eucharisteo”. Since the root word of eucharisteo is “charis” (meaning “grace”), He saw it both as grace and giving thanks.
This means Thanksgiving is an integral component of Euchisteo, and, as such, applies to gratitude in our daily lives. She writes on page 64, “The real problem of life is never a lack of time. The real problem of life – in my life – is the lack of Thanksgiving.”
My art illustrates how time is flowing through my hands like sand, grain by grain, moment by moment. As time flows through my fingers, it can be filled with Thanksgiving or meaningless thoughts and activities. Time is a gift, and I can choose how to receive and utilize it. When I redeem and invest in my time, I am filling it with thanksgiving and gratitude for what he has done and what he is doing in the moment. I have the power and privilege to choose my attitude with the knowledge that time cannot be relived.
Another focus in this art is how our Savior lived his time on earth In gratitude with “empty” hands open to the Father’s will. He devoted His portion of sand (His time on His earthly days) to thankfulness and glorifying His Father. He was thankful, and the phrase in Hebrews 12:2 “for the joy set before him” exemplifies his life. His sand, his time, his moments enabled him to be in our moments in our lives.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for focusing on thanksgiving in the final hours of your life as you broke bread with your disciples. Thank you for the precious gift of time. Help me use my time and moments wisely, and thank you that the way you lived your life allows me to see you and your handiwork in everyday moments and events. Create in me an attitude of thanksgiving as I see you in the moments of my life.
Copyright © Debbie Gustafson