Past Exhibits
"THE GOD WHO SEES" 2022 - 2023
How do you seek God in a distracted world?
“Your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
Matthew 6:6 NIV
"GOD OUR REFUGE" 2021-2022
Documentary + Exhibit-30 Minute
Virtual Art Exhibit-10 Minute
During the 2020 COVID pandemic, we asked God how to proceed, considering we couldn’t offer an in-person gallery exhibit. Additionally, most churches were closed which temporarily limited traveling venues. After much prayer, we decided to produce our first documentary/virtual art exhibit about how our student artists experienced God in the pandemic. The result was truly beautiful, so much so that we submitted the film to Christian film festivals. To our great surprise and gratitude, “God Our Refuge Documentary and Virtual Art Exhibit” was selected and viewed at ten festivals all over the country. Not only did it get shown, it won four awards and many accolades for the inspirational stories.
The ten-minute virtual art exhibit video displays the art from “God Our Refuge” and portions of the artists’ experiences. Although it is much abbreviated from the documentary version, it still provides an overview of the amazing ways God met His people during the COVID 19 pandemic.
"HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD" 2020-2021
Twenty-four high school artists from five local schools were featured in our collaborative exhibit called “How Great Is Our God!” This 2020 exhibit followed the well-received 2019 exhibit, “Who Is God?”, that was displayed in local churches and schools throughout 2019 and in January-February of 2020.
Using Psalm 147 and other Scriptures of their choosing, the artists visually expressed their faith and feelings to the questions: How does God reveal Himself to you personally? How do you see His greatness in the world around you?
"WHO IS GOD" 2019-2020
First Students’ Traveling Exhibit
2016 Featured Here
“Psalms by the Lake” incorporated art workshops, worship, dance, and a short-film festival featuring local film makers. Using Psalm 147 and other Scriptures of their choosing, the artists visually expressed their faith and feelings to the questions: What attributes of God mean something special to you, such as kindness, faithfulness, or mercy?
Donna Eder
Originality of Concept and Design in Visual Arts
Psalm 16:11
Charlotte Laxen
Festival Favorite in Visual Arts
“Natures Cathedral”
Psalm 16:11
Ronald Felt
Technical Excellence Award in Visual Arts
“Out of Love for the Truth”
Psalm 119:105
Angels to Spare Us by Aaron Potter
Festival Favorite in Filmmaking
Extraordinary Application of Film Medium for Impact
I Choose Life by Michael Sanders
Excellence in Cinematography
Letters and a Rose by Aaron Potter
Outstanding Story Concept
and Development